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Example uses to MERBE climate data to estimate global temperature changes (and relavant comparisons to CERES)

MERBE North Arctic Percent warming/cooling


Southern Antarctic Percent warming/cooling

Top: MERBE spatially resolved shows the % warming significantly increasing due to melting Sea Ice and large reductions in percent albedo. Bottom: MERBE negative % albedo trends

Top: MERBE spatially resolved shows the warming significantly increasing due to melting Sea Ice and large reuctions in percent albedo. MERBE positve albedo trends

MERBE Ed 1.0 solar results dissagree with NASA CERES's to show the Sun is not overall driving current global warming, partly becuase on uncompensated instrument degradation finding no Antarcting percent warming


(a) CERES Ed 4.1 global mean albedo change from 2000-2015. (b) MERBE measured lunar albedo. (c) MERBE Ed 1.0 global mean albedo change from 2000-2015.


(a) Authagraph photo of Earth continents and geography. (b) CERES Ed 4.1 size and distribution of incorrect solar warming trends from un-corrected UV degradation by CERES.

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